Tuesday, December 16, 2008


The night before last we got 6 inches of snow. It was so beautiful to see, especially because I have never been in that much snow before. The only problem is that we live up a hill/mountain and don't have snow tires on our cars. CJ did have a pair of snow chains that he put on his truck so that he could go to work. I still can't drive around, because there is a lot of ice now and so CJ wants me to stay at home where it's safe. I'm not too unhappy about that though :) Here are a few pics, the first one is right when it started to snow and the rest are after.Oh, and the best part of it, and one of my favorite moments living up here, was of this video. There were 5 deer walking around behind our house, so I went outside to take pictures, and decided to try to feed them. And they let me feed them 3 apples! They came right up to our deck where I was throwing the apples off. It was awesome! The video is choppy and horrible, oh and for some reason whenever I am around or see a cute animal I talk like a moron, but it's still cute.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas tree fiasco

So since I have been so good about not spending money on things we don't need, i.e. clothing, makeup, etc., it was agreed that I deserved a Christmas tree. So with a $15 budget, we went out and found a great tree. Now when we were packing up our cars to move up here, the only thing that I couldn't bring was my fake tree. I did manage to bring all of my decorations, including my fake tree stand. This being said, when we got our tree we thought we would be able to use the fake tree stand for our real tree. We were wrong, well, sorta. Handyman CJ cleverly managed to Jerry-rig our tree up, drilling screws into the tree to hold it up, and it finally worked. The only problem was that the tree needs water, but we couldn't figure out a way to keep a bowl of water under our [barely standing] tree. So now a week later our tree is brown and has lost it's smell. And I have lost my job (yes, I've already been laid off!) so we will have to make do with a dead tree for the rest of the month. CJ said it reminds him of Charlie Brown, so he's not all too unhappy with it.