Friday, September 10, 2010

Abram: 8 months

Abram is 8 months!  He has grown and learned so much in the last month!  Here are the highlights:
-Abe can CRAWL!!!   He still prefers scooting to get to places fast, but crawls all over the place too.
-Abe pulls himself up and walks around tables and couches like a CHAMP!  He also knows how to cushion his fall and protect his head when he falls over.  He'll be walking on his own soon!
-Abe has SEVEN teeth!  He got his top two front teeth at the beginning of the month, and just got two more on top and one more on the bottom! 
-Abe can hold his own bottle, and sleeps in his own crib.  Yet he still wakes up and needs a bottle every few hours.
-Abe loves to scream.  Yay for me.
-Abe loves Honey.  Just like all the other grandkids.
-Abe is OBSESSED with Baby Einstein.  That is the only thing he will watch on tv. 
-Abe is awesome.
Not a great pic but you can see a few teeth.
Such a cutie.
That's our Abe!