Thursday, December 16, 2010

Abram 11 (and a half) months

So since I have been so bad at updating the blog monthly, Abram's 11 month post has become his 11 1/2 month post.  Abram is such a little cutie!  He is walking around and getting into everything!  A few new tricks he has learned are
-clapping.  He claps and claps and claps.  Claps for himself, claps for others, claps for no reason at all.
-waving.  He waves when you say "Hi" or "Bye".  And a couple times he has even said "hi" or "bye" while waving, although I'm not convinced it wasn't by accident. 
-climbing.  He climbs everything.  He knows how to get down backward off the bed/couch, but the scary thing is climbing onto the ottoman or coffee table.  And then standing.
-he has started to notice stuffed animals, and now he loves them!  Especially this little dancing and singing chihuahua that he got for an early Christmas present.  With that in mind, he has also learned
-dancing.  He wiggles, he bounces, he lifts his feet.  It is the cutest.
Abram making a mess. 

Abey clapping.

Trying out his new big boy car seat.
Abey and his dancing chihuahua.  This is the face he always makes when he sees it.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Abram- 10 months

Abe is TEN MONTHS OLD!  I am a little late on my post, but he has hit two HUGE milestones this month that have been keeping me busy!
-To start, Abe is WALKING! And I mean full-on walking.  No crawling.  He can stand up on his own, with no chair or wall to pull up on.  I would say his official walking without crawling age is 9 1/2 months.
-Abe said his first real word!  Grandma Lesley taught it to him.  He says "Uh-oh".  And he says it in context, too.  Like if he drops something, knocks over a toy, falls over, etc.  He can say "Da-da" and "Ma-ma" too, but doesn't quite know who's who.  When he is happy, we are both da-da.  But when he is sad, he says ma-ma.  

-For Halloween Abe was a cheeseburger and CJ and I were ketchup and mustard.  

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Abey- 9 months

-Our Baby Abey is 9 months old.
-He is almost walking on his own.  He takes a few steps before falling.
-His absolute favorite thing to do is open and close the cabinets.  He does that all day long.
-Abey still LOVES to take baths and showers.  Now that he can sit up and catch himself when he falls, bathtime has become such a fun thing for him. 
-Abram is very curious about the world around him.  He loves to discover.
-Abram is constantly chatting.
-He gives high fives.
-He is a bruiser, but still loves to get kisses and hugs, and gives them back.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Abram: 8 months

Abram is 8 months!  He has grown and learned so much in the last month!  Here are the highlights:
-Abe can CRAWL!!!   He still prefers scooting to get to places fast, but crawls all over the place too.
-Abe pulls himself up and walks around tables and couches like a CHAMP!  He also knows how to cushion his fall and protect his head when he falls over.  He'll be walking on his own soon!
-Abe has SEVEN teeth!  He got his top two front teeth at the beginning of the month, and just got two more on top and one more on the bottom! 
-Abe can hold his own bottle, and sleeps in his own crib.  Yet he still wakes up and needs a bottle every few hours.
-Abe loves to scream.  Yay for me.
-Abe loves Honey.  Just like all the other grandkids.
-Abe is OBSESSED with Baby Einstein.  That is the only thing he will watch on tv. 
-Abe is awesome.
Not a great pic but you can see a few teeth.
Such a cutie.
That's our Abe!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mt. Charleston

My boys and I went to Mt. Charleston for a night to get away from the city life and enjoy the nice weather.  There wasn't anything to write home about, but I did get some great pics of Ceej and Abe.  Check it.

I was there, too.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Abram at 7 months

Abram is 7 MONTHS OLD!!!  He's getting so big, and changing so much!!  Here are some things to mention:
-Abey can sit up by himself, and doesn't cry if he falls over
-Abey can scoot (as mentioned) and is sooo close to crawling!
-Abey lifts his arms up to be picked up
-Abey is eating more and more solid foods, and is really good at chewing, or gumming, his foods
-Abey has a new smile.  He scrunches up his nose now, and it's so funny
-Abey is learning to give high fives
 -Abey's hair is growing super slow (like his mommy's)
-Abey can go exactly where he wants to go in the walker
-Abey is such a happy guy!  Everywhere we go people say he is so happy, and they are right!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blog name

Does anyone know how to change my blog name as it appears on my friends' lists?  It still says 'Leaving Las Vegas', but I'm back!!!  Please help!

Scoot scoot!

Abram is scooting!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Abram- 6 months

Baby Abey is 6 months old!  And man is he huge!  CJ took his measurements and looked up the percentiles on the internet, and this is what he found:
Height- 75th percentile
Weight-95th percentile
Head circumference- 90th percentile
He's a big guy!  And now that he has those 2 teeth, we've started him on a few foods.  So far this month, he eats the infant puffs that dissolve in his mouth.  He also DEVOURS the biting biscuits.  We have been giving him baby food at night for dinner, and he eats the whole can! 
He still LOVES the pool!  I've been taking him at least once a week, and he can dunk underwater without a fuss!
 He walks forward in the walker, and can steer it toward wherever he is going.  He also sits up almost unsupported, but falls over every once in a while.
 He is such a happy, friendly baby, and I can't imagine my life without him!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Almost 6 months, so I guess I should update my blog!!

Abram is almost 6 MONTHS old now!  I can't believe how big he is getting!  Everyone that sees him says he's HUGE!!!  And they are right!  Well I have been the ultimate blog procrastinator, but I figure I better start up again so I can save it for Abe to see when he's older.  Soooo..... I'll try and go month by month from what we've missed...

Abram-3 months
We moved back to Vegas and are so happy to be back near family and friends!  Abram loves seeing other people besides CJ and I all the time!  He is so friendly and will let anyone hold him.   His favorite things to do are still clap his hands and have tubby time, which turned into sink-y time, but he still loves it.  He loves moving himself around in the walker at Grandma and Honeys house.  He can now hold his head up pretty well while on his belly, and he gets so excited when he sees himself in the mirror.

Abram- 4 months
Baby Abey is very vocal.  Every morning when he is ready to wake up he just starts cooing and it's like he is telling us to wake up.  He like the pool, whether the water is warm or cold.  He is starting to grow some hair, and it is coming in a dirty blonde/light brown/reddish-in-some-lights color.  His eyes are bluer than ever!  He loves to sit at the table with everyone at dinnertime.  He loves going to his other grandmas house to play. 

Abram-5 months

Abram is getting sooo big!  He is so active and vocal!  And he already has 2 teeth!!!  They came just a few days apart.  So we have been trying real food on him, and he LOVES it!  We mostly have only tried bananas, and we put a piece of banana in this mesh thingy that keeps him from getting big chunks in his mouth so that he can't choke.  He is lovin the 'nanas!!  And now he can finally turn over from back to front and front to back.  Took him a while, since he hated being on his belly, but now he is rolling all over.  His favorite book is Baby Beluga and it is a sing-along.  He gets the biggest smile whenever he hears the first words, and I love it!  He loves sitting in the bumbo chair and it is really helping him learn to sit up on his own.  He is the best and we love him soo much!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Photo Shoot

The other week, my friend John Hanan came over to take some pictures of Abram with his fancy camera. It was really cold and windy outside, so for the most part Abe was crying in most of the pictures. John still managed to snap a few goodies. They are not edited, but still pretty good.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Some recent pics of Abe

Long overdue...

Abram Davis Hillstead. Born December 29th, 2009. Weighed in at 8 lbs 6 oz. He is adorable!!! We love him so much!!!!
Since it is long overdue that I write about the baby (he is now 8 weeks old!) I will play catch up.
-Abram is such a looker! Big BLUES eyes and a head FULL of hair!
-Abram is awesome! Not too fussy, especially now that he is a bit older and has started to play.
-Abram's favorite thing to do is take a bath. He loves the sound of running water and the way it feels.
-Abram's other favorite things to do are clap his hands (with the help of mom of course), suck his thumb, stare at the wall (I'm not kidding), and be tickled by hair on his face.
-Abram LOVE LOVE LOVE's his daddy. He is always so mellow when dad is around.
-Abram has already outgrown his newborn clothes:(
-Abram is our favorite thing ever. All we do is stare and laugh at him.