So, I'm 5 months preggo now. Currently I am feeling great, a lot different than a month ago. My morning sickness actually slowed down right around the time of the wedding, so I got lucky. My dad asked me a couple months ago how I liked being pregnant. At the time I lied and said I liked it. But my actual feelings about pregnancy a couple months ago were that I hated it! I hated being sick, hated peeing every 5 seconds, hated hated hated it. Now I am feeling better, and actually have started to show, so it's not so bad. We found out we are having a boy, and we couldn't be happier! CJ and I both wanted a boy first, so we are stoked to find out our wish came true. It's been fun shopping for baby, which I am now obsessed with. CJ even got into a crazy baby shopping mood the other day, and I totally took advantage of it! I haven't had any weird cravings, but I definately want sweets all the time. I eat fruit, candy and popsicles like it's my job. We haven't decided on a name yet, we have one we like, but won't make it final yet. We've still got time.