Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Abram- 10 months

Abe is TEN MONTHS OLD!  I am a little late on my post, but he has hit two HUGE milestones this month that have been keeping me busy!
-To start, Abe is WALKING! And I mean full-on walking.  No crawling.  He can stand up on his own, with no chair or wall to pull up on.  I would say his official walking without crawling age is 9 1/2 months.
-Abe said his first real word!  Grandma Lesley taught it to him.  He says "Uh-oh".  And he says it in context, too.  Like if he drops something, knocks over a toy, falls over, etc.  He can say "Da-da" and "Ma-ma" too, but doesn't quite know who's who.  When he is happy, we are both da-da.  But when he is sad, he says ma-ma.  

-For Halloween Abe was a cheeseburger and CJ and I were ketchup and mustard.