Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This is what happens when you work at a bar...


Sarah said...

Hey Molly- I love CJ's face in this picture!

babbler said...

This is the best and most expressive show of love I have ever seen on the blogs. You rock! I just ended up here somehow, but when I saw this picture I had to comment. Oh, and by the way, your blog rocks as much as anyone elses who has kids and stuff. Also.... Your smoking hot fellow is a lucky man to have you! I hope you enjoy Oregon as much as I do, I have been here about 4 years and it grows on you. Try going out to the coast, Newport is fabulous. Two lighthouses, a big beautiful bridge, cool area called Nye beach with a hippie restaurant called Cafe Mundo, look it up. It is an inexpensive vacation if you camp in South Beach State Campground. Have fun! Love, from "Mrs. Slug in Oregon"