Thursday, October 16, 2008

"Lights so bright, palms sweat, blackjack on a Saturday night"

So I decided to start a blog because CJ(my fiance) and I are LEAVING LAS VEGAS. We are randomly moving up to Eugene, Oregon. So random that I have never even been there before. Sounds crazy, but we are both super excited! We were both raised in Vegas, and besides him going to Reno for a few years for college, we've never lived outside of Sin City. The fresh air, slower pace, and peaceful atmosphere will be such a nice change. But I will miss my friends way too much. This week I have been trying to get in some hang out times with all of my loved ones. It was bittersweet to see them all one last time, or at least for a long time :(

In other news, we have officially set a date! On October 10th, 2009 I will be Mrs. Molly Hillstead, or as Jasmine will then call me "Hottie Hillstead". This nickname came along when I told Jasmine that CJ liked the name Hawthorne for a boy. And she said she'd call him Hottie Hillstead. I told her I thought that name was stupid, but she insists that someone will one day be called "Hottie Hillstead", so I got the nickname instead. (Let me clearify that we are NOT having babies anytime soon, just chatting about names)

Anywho, wish us luck!

P.S. If you can figure out where the title of this post is from, you're a winner.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Hey lady hope you got to eugene safely, it was fun getting to see you the other day but I am regreting not hanging out more often and now you are gone! Well, I hope everything goes well for you and I am really excited for you both!